Corporate Information

MAA Group Berhad




Legal Form & Place of Incorporation

A public listed company incorcorated in Malaysia under the Companies Act 1965 and limited by shares.

Board of Directors

Tunku Dato’ Yaacob Khyra
(Executive Chairman)
Tunku Yahaya @ Yahya bin Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah
(Non-Independent Executive Director)
Yeo Took Keat
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
Datin Seri Raihanah Begum binti Abdul Rahman
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
Dato’ Dr. Kili Ghandhi Raj A/L K R Somasundram
(Independent Non-Executive Director)
Datin Shivajini A/P Sathya Seelan
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Audit & Governance Committee

Yeo Took Keat (Chairman)
Datin Seri Raihanah Begum binti Abdul Rahman
Dato’ Dr. Kili Ghandhi Raj A/L K R Somasundram

Risk & Sustainability Committee

Datin Seri Raihanah Begum binti Abdul Rahman (Chairman)
Yeo Took Keat
Dato’ Dr. Kili Ghandhi Raj A/L K R Somasundram

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Dato’ Dr. Kili Ghandhi Raj A/L K R Somasundram (Chairman)
Datin Seri Raihanah Begum binti Abdul Rahman
Yeo Took Keat


Mr Kenneth Goh Kwan Weng

(CCM PC No.:202408000226)


Messrs. KPMG PLT

(LLP0010081-LCA & AF 0758)

Chartered Accountants

Level 10, KPMG Tower 8 First Avenue, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan

Telephone No. :
03 7721 3389
03 7721 3399

Principal Place of Business

13th Floor, No 566, Jalan Ipoh
51200 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone No.: 03 6256 8000
Facsimile No.: 03 6251 0373

Registered Office

Suite 11.05, 11th Floor No 566,
Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone No.: 03 6252 8880
Facsimile No.: 03 6252 8080

Share Registrar

Trace Management Services Sdn Bhd

Registration No.: 197901004366(48646-M)

Suite 11.05, 11th Floor No 566,
Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone No.: 03 6252 8880
Facsimile No.: 03 6252 8080

Stock Exchange Listing

Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Security Berhad

Sector: Financial Services

Stock Name: MAA
Stock Code: 1198